Wednesday, October 8, 2008

First Presidential Debate and reaction

I wonder if any one saw the first of the presidential debates with McCain and Obama? I was absolutely floored by the attack of McCain toward Obama. I believe that Obama made some very good points for change while McCain did nothing but say negative things toward Obama. I did not hear anything good come out of the mouth of McCain only attack.

I hope that the American people do not fall for this kind of non-sense of McCain. He bragged about himself about his war record. Well, John, we got that a long time ago. And from the sounds of it, McCain has never let anyone forget what he went through. I think if McCain takes office we are in big trouble and NOTHING will get done in Washington,

It is so bitter now with the Republicans against the Democrats and visa versa. I think Obama will bring a leveling point to Washington, that McCain will not. I think McCain will make it worse. I could not believe the debate last night. McCain kept attacking Obama without provocation and he never said anything of real substance. I think McCain will bring that arrogant spirit to Washington and like I said Nothing Will get done. It will be 4 more years of a stale mate. What is McCain going to do, attack the Democrats in Congress? How much with that get us?

I actually started praying for Barak Obama that he can focus on the debate and not get flustered by McCain's attacks because Obama seemed defensive. I would be too if I were constantly attacked. I have less respect for John McCain than I did before. I do not think he is a credible candidate. I wonder what he really has done in Congress? I t did not seem to me that he learned anything and feel McCain is absolutely out of touch with most Americans. He doesn't know how many kitchen tables he has? How could he ever bring a stabilizing force for change? He cannot.

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