Saturday, March 14, 2009

Stimulus hand out, where is it going?

I don't know about you but I am absolutely irate over how much money has been dished out for banks, who are taking tax-payer money and having lavish parties and investing in other countries. I cannot understand why we are dishing out money for institutions who cannot account for the billions of dollars taken form the USA government. And most of it is pork. I am irate over the legislature who are in favor of the stimulus package. Who came up with this idea to hand out tax-payer money to individuals and institutions who are greedy and irresponsible.

This makes Bernie Madoff look like a school boy. Why does he go to jail and not these other goons who are ripping off the Americans don't. And people complained about president Bush and the failed policy of the Iraq war. And we still do. I think the stimulus package pails in comparison to the Iraq war and all the money we spent there. I believe it is the Democrats who first complained about the war in Iraq and now there is no mention of that issue. This stimulus package is as worse as the Iraq war. Who would have ever come up with a plan to bail out the banks when they spit in the face of hard working Americans. Does president Bush look bad now? I had high hopes for my future in this country, but not now. With the money given out in the stimulus and the war in Iraq, we are going to face serious financial challenges maybe not for our generation but generations to come.

The national debt in is the trillions now because of the stimulus. If I am in debt, I don't take out more debt. That's stupid. I guess that should be a question on the show, "Are you smarter than a fifth grader?" I think we are seeing the inexperience of Barak Obama. Socialism and the death of Capitalism is not what I planned on when I voted for Barak Obama. I missed something somewhere. I think if we lose any of our freedoms under socialism then the people who died to keep this country free died in vain. My fear is Socialism will lead to a monarchy and that will erode all that we believe in and all that makes America who we are. Yes I desperately wanted to see the Democrats in office. The Democrats had a different way of looking at the government which I was hoping for when I voted for president Obama.

I think the Republicans made a mockery out of the government with their appetite for greed and power. They were like drug addicts who belonged in Rehab. Well they are out and I hope the Republicans can come back stronger. In the mean time the Republican party needs to get back to it's roots and get it's act together. Since I have no hope for the government I do have hope in God who is the one who is running this country. I think we need a radical shift back to our original roots. The Old Glory of our country. But with many unbelievers and different racial and religious groups that will probably not happen. I am not sure what will bring our country back from the edge of disaster. I think another Great Depression looms around the corner for our country. This time It think it will be worse than before.

I think it will be worst that before. People don't seem to care about others like before. I have a stable job now that took me several years to find. I am working hard on my job not only to keep it but to do an excellent job for my company to bring in as much money as I can to keep the company afloat. Fortunately, I am in the healthcare field which is booming. But my company gets most of it money from the government both state and federal. Obama's idea of healthcare for everyone is a good idea. From October 2007 to November 2008 I had no insurance. That was very scary. But thank God I got though it with no serious medical problems, no surgeries, and no car accidents. But Obama wants to take Kaiser Permanente and use it as the model to our healthcare system. OMG!!! WRONG!!! No absolutely not. Everyone in healthcare knows that Kaiser Permanente is the worst model for healthcare. I think we are in serious trouble folks.

Batten down the hatches folks because this is a "Perfect Storm". The financial burden the government is creating will destroy this country. If not now but definitely later. But in the end, I believe it is the end, the end of time. Biblical prophecy has already been written and it is not good. All this is leading up to what is called the "Tribulation". it is interesting to read the book of Revelation and see it coming true little by little, year after year. Don't be left behind.

1 comment:

Debbie's Post said...

All so true. We are in for scarey, unsettling times. My husband makes himself crazy worrying about it. We have only One to turn to and pray for hope and endurance.
Also, very disappointed that Obama said we weren't a Christian nation, but unfortunatley, it sure seems to be true. How sad.